Must-try food in Budapest

Must-try food in Budapest

No vacation is perfect without trying some local dishes. That’s why we have prepared a list of Must-try food in Budapest for you.

Our list of Must-try food in Budapest for you.


Firstly, Pörkölt is Hungary’s national stew. Secondly, it is made from beef, lamb, pork, or chicken, simmered in a red sauce with lots of onions, garlic, and paprika powder.

The essential difference between Pörkölt and Goulash is the texture of the sauce. While Pörkölt is a thick beef stew, Goulash is a more saucy (almost soupy) dish with extra veggies.

The best restaurants to try it out are: Gettó Gulyás or Pozsonyi Kisvendéglő.

Must-try food in Budapest - Pörkölt


It is a Hungarian specialty (meat soup) prepared with meat (traditionally with beef simmered in a rich paprika-infused broth).

Gulyás is a well-known dish that enjoys immense popularity even outside the Hungarian borders. It closely resembles pörkölt—a thick Hungarian stew consisting of meat, onions, and selected spices—which most people outside of Hungary associate with the word gulyás (goulash). In many countries, the term is synonymous with a thick stew, while in Hungary, gulyás mainly represents a soup-like dish.

They both originated as traditional, rustic dishes that appeared in their modern-day form in the 18th century when paprika became a commonly used spice.

You can find the best goulash in the following restaurants: Kiado Kocsma, Hungarikum Bistro, or Blue Rose Restaurant.

Must-try food in Budapest - Goulash

Chicken paprikash (Paprikás csirke)

Hungarian chicken paprikás originated as a rustic stew cooked in a large cauldron over an open fire. Additionally, it is prepared with chicken thighs and legs braised alongside onions and cooked in a thick, paprika-flavored broth.

Paprikás is a typical restaurant dish and a home-cooked meal traditionally complemented by Galuska or csipetke dumplings, pasta, boiled potatoes, or polenta.

You can find the best Chicken paprikash in the following restaurants: Pest-Buda Bistro or Fülemüle Étterem.

Must-try food in Budapest - Chicken Paprikash


It is a deep-fried dough traditionally topped with sour cream and cheese, making it a great traditional dish for vegetarians in Budapest. However, today you’ll see it completed with just about anything possible.
More importantly, you should try the ones prepared traditionally.

You can find the best lángos in the following restaurants: Drum Cafe, Lángos Land, or Retró Lángos Büfé.

Must-try food in Budapest - Lángos

Dobos torte

To make a cake that would keep longer than usual, the Hungarian confectioner named József C. Dobos first introduced the Dobos torte at the National General Exhibition of Budapest in 1885. It is a round cake consisting of six thin sponge cake layers and five layers of chocolate buttercream.

You can try the best cakes in Café Gerbeaud or Auguszt Cukrászda.

Must-try food in Budapest - Dobos torte

Töltött kaposzta

Hungarian stuffed cabbage consists of blanched fresh or sour cabbage leaves stuffed with a flavorful mixture of minced pork, onions, rice, and seasonings. Neatly tucked rolls are layered with sliced sauerkraut and slowly cooked. Traditionally, stuffed cabbage is cooked alongside smoked meat, and it can be slowly baked in the oven or cooked on the stovetop.
It is very similar to Sarma, which is very popular in Balkan and turkey.

You can try the best Töltött kaposzta in Belvárosi Lugas Restaurant or Budai Gesztenyés Restaurant.

Must-try food in Budapest - Töltött kaposzta

Try out Hungarian sausages.

The fines examples of such sausages are Csabai kolbász and Gyulai kolbász. Both can be eaten on their own, with bread in a sandwich.

Must-try food in Budapest - Gyulai kolbász


The Hungarian version of the Cremeschnitte goes under the name krémes, meaning creamy. It combines two layers of puff pastry held together with a generous amount of smooth pastry cream.

You can try the best Krémes in Ruszwurm Cukrászda or Auguszt Cukrászda.

Must-try food in Budapest - Krémes

The conclusion of Must-try food in Budapest

We have shown you our list of the best Hungarian dishes. We’d like you to tell us which are your favorite ones in the comments below.

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Photo credits:

Featured photo: ©Tasteatlas/Hungary

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