Health and safety in Greece

Are you getting ready to go to Greece?

Firstly, if you are from the European Union, ensure you are a holder of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or any other legal EU document issued by your nation’s social security agency. In such cases, the necessary treatment in Greece is provided by the following:

  • the Social Security Institute Health Units (polyclinics) or doctor’s offices in the region
  • Regional clinics (former rural clinics) or the Health Centres of the National Health System
  • the outpatients’ departments of the hospitals.

If you are a Schengen Area citizen or resident, see more info on the EHIC here.

If you are not from the EU, make sure you have consulted your social security agency for information before traveling. In any case, we believe it is always best to take out an additional health/tourist insurance policy because overall services are better in this case.

Emergency numbers in Greece:

  • FIRST AID NATIONAL CENTER (Ambulances): 166
  • SOS DOCTORS: 1016
  • POISONING PHONE CENTER: 210 77 93 777
  • POLICE: 100
  • PET HOSPITAL: 210 6038023- 24 -28 (Attica Region).
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