Meet the Transgender Parents Raising 2 Sons

Transgender Parents Raising 2 Sons story is about Nick and Bianca Bowserin from Louisville, Kentucky, where no one knew their family secret until they showed up in the air.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Definitions

©ABC News

About Nick and Bianca – Transgender Parents Raising 2 Sons 

In many ways, Nick and Bianca Bowser are very typical parents. They have two children; Kai is 3, and Pax is 1. Therefore they are both exhausted all the time. Namely, full-time jobs and full-time jobs as parents can be challenging.

But what sets this family apart and has landed them in international headlines is something strangers on the street usually don’t even notice: Nick and Bianca are both transgender. 

Incidentally, we came across their interview, shot a few years back on ABC channel, and immediately fell in love with them.


In the following interview, they answered a few questions that only transgender people have to deal with:

  • Did they undergo a sex change operation?
  • Did the family and friends accept them as they were?
  • How will they tell their kids that “dad” gave birth and mommy provided the sperm?
  • How do other people’s opinions affect them?
  • And much more.

Let’s listen to an interview, and after that, share your opinions with us.

Transgender Parents Raising 2 Sons – The ABC NEWS Interview

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