How does traveling boost your personal growth?

How does traveling boost personal growth? This article will show you why traveling is essential for our personal development, especially for those who love and see it as a way of self-fulfillment.

How so? Firstly, in a survey of over 200 people between the ages of 18 and 39, Edward Hoffman and his team found that nearly 82% reported that traveling had helped them in problem-solving or decision-making.

How does traveling help you boost personal growth?

Better thinking.

For example, one participant said, “When I travel, I can make my world as slow as possible for me to think,” another recounted, “It cleared my mind. It gave me time to think and weigh things out.”

Greater calmness and peace of mind.

To illustrate this, one participant reported, “It helped me ease my mind from stress,” and another stated, “Travel helped me not to overthink problems and to relax and have time for my family.”

It increased hope and optimism.

One participant commented, “To always be grateful for what I have,” and another said, “I helped regain my confidence when I was on the brink of giving up my job-hunting due to constant rejection.”

A broader perspective on human life and culture.

Another participant recounted, “It helped me as a marketing officer to learn more about other people’s cultures and relate to them more easily.” Similarly, another related, “It made me realize how big the world is and how everybody else’s lives go on, no matter what I was going through. It gave me a broader perspective.”

Heightened self-discovery through solitary time.

Another participant mused, “Being free of day-to-day hassles helped me to focus on self-reflection,” another poetically recalled, “It made me see the of every failure I had in the past and be more productive in my work.”

It enhanced gratitude and appreciation.

One participant reported, “It made me appreciate little things in life and value more time for people I want to be with.” Another noted, “Somehow, it helped me to wonder about all the beautiful things in life and appreciate it.”


For instance, one participant commented, “It made me quit the routine job that made me unhappy. It showed me that life is not only about making money; it’s about how you make the most out of the life given to you.”

How does traveling boost your personal growth? – Final thoughts

So, how does travel improve our mindfulness, optimism, or sense of gratitude? Can traveling bring additional psychological benefits to people? Further research will tell us. But in the meantime, don’t hesitate to make your travel plans.

Note: You can find more helpful articles like this on our Travel Resources page.

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Featured photo: @Kar-Tr

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