How to Become a More Selfless Person

Focusing solely on work and personal pursuits is easy in today’s fast-paced world. However, practicing selfless acts can be rewarding and help you become more generous and happy. So, if you want to know more about becoming selfless, stay with us.

How to be Selfless

To be selfless, we must learn to give without expecting anything in return and show gratitude for the help we receive.

The Benefits of Being Selfless

Jonathan Haidt’s book, “The Happiness Hypothesis,” explains that our connections to others greatly influence our happiness. The way we treat others and how they treat us, known as reciprocity, is a strong force that keeps society together. When others do something for us, we feel compelled to repay them, creating networks of mutual obligation that form the basis of altruism. Studies have shown that being altruistic increases overall happiness, especially for older adults who may feel lonely and have smaller social circles. While morality encompasses more than just altruism, being altruistic benefits others and ourselves.

Our list of how to become more selfless

Try to Be Empathic

Understanding empathy means putting yourself in someone else’s shoes to comprehend their situation. Some people are naturally more empathetic, but empathy can be developed. To improve your empathy, try imagining yourself in others’ situations, examine your biases, ask better questions, and engage in volunteer work. Good listening is also crucial for understanding others.

Be a good listener

When someone opens up to you, listen without interrupting. Only advise if asked. Repeat what they say to show understanding.

Tips: you’re Attention: Put away distractions and make eye contact.

– Actively Listen: Focus on the speaker’s words and emotions.

– Ask Thoughtful Questions: Use open-ended questions to encourage discussion.

Practice forgiveness

We are practicing forgiveness, which is crucial for personal growth. It means being humble, learning from mistakes, and moving on. Forgiving others and ourselves allows us to let go of grudges and pain. It’s not about condoning bad behavior but understanding and learning from mistakes. Taking responsibility for our actions and learning from experiences helps us become better individuals. Forgiveness is about unlocking more significant potential and creating a positive environment.

Celebrate others’ success.

Celebrate others’ successes and give more. Show appreciation for their hard work and exceed your usual efforts to give to others daily. The joy of celebrating others’ success is a powerful feeling that can inspire and uplift not only them but also yourself.


Let Someone Else Be the Center of Attention

Remember to focus on others and be humble. You’re an example; if someone else is recognized for their work, show them genuine congratulations. Share the spotlight with your colleagues who contributed to your success if you receive praise. Avoid being selfish by trying to redirect attention to yourself when others are being celebrated. Instead, offer your congratulations and be patient for your moment. If you notice yourself trying to one-up others for attention, be more supportive and selfless.

Be Patient

Life can be busy. We often try to do as much as possible quickly, rushing from one thing to the next and frustrating us when facing obstacles. Practicing patience can help us become more considerate. It means expecting things to happen after some time and being okay with things taking time. It can make us feel calmer and help us understand other people better.


Learn to Let Go.

Learn to let go of the need to be in control, protect yourself from every situation, ensure that everything is always enjoyable, and see where focusing on others takes you. The conditions I resist the most are where I gain the most by showing up and allowing whatever arises. You might be surprised by what the journey holds if you let go and go with the flow!

Practice Giving Things You Want for Yourself to Others.

Start small (e.g., the last bite of your favorite dessert or, for me, the last sip of my afternoon tea). This may come more quickly for our readers with kids, but for the rest of us, we aren’t forced to put another person’s life and needs before our daily so that it can be accessible to others to do or even think about. Another way to give something you want to those you care about today and see how great it makes you feel!


Admit when you’re wrong.

Remember this: It’s essential to accept that you can be wrong. It’s selfish to believe it’s always right. Don’t pretend to have all the answers. Acknowledge when others may be right, and admit when you’re wrong. This can be a rewarding experience! It’s not just about you; it’s about strengthening your relationships. Your friends, family, and partners won’t appreciate you acting like you’re infallible. Being wrong is an opportunity for growth. Embrace it, or you won’t evolve as a person.

Give without expecting anything in return.

Being selfless means making the world a better place. If you expect rewards for helping others, you are not genuinely selfless. Instead of seeking repayment for your actions, find satisfaction in your excellent work. Over time, you will realize that helping others brings rewards and makes you feel good. However, it would help if you still gave your all to people who don’t appreciate it or take advantage of you, especially in a relationship. This will only lead to resentment on your part.


Make time for self-care

Remember, being selfless doesn’t mean ignoring yourself or your health. Keep making time for yourself, doing things you enjoy, getting enough rest, and taking care of yourself. This will help you have more energy to keep helping others. Remember that you can help people better when you’re rested and refreshed. Caring for yourself is not selfish; it’s vital for a balanced and fulfilling life.

The Conclusion

Remember, while it’s important to consider others’ viewpoints, taking care of yourself is equally crucial. Shifting our mindset towards selflessness can significantly improve our relationships and bring us more joy, but it should not come at the cost of neglecting our needs. Finding a balance between selflessness and self-care is vital to a fulfilling life. According to five studies published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, the secret to happiness may lie in doing things to make others happy rather than ourselves. The findings suggest that doing things for others enhances well-being by fulfilling a psychological need for connection with others — even if that person is a stranger.

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