
In this article, Maiori, we will introduce you to one of The most popular villages on the Amalfi Coast. Firstly, the small town has the largest and best beach. However, there’s more to it. It has a rich past as well. So, you will be pleasantly surprised when you get there.

But most importantly (and surprisingly for the Amalfi Coast village), it is easily accessible by land or sea. But that’s not all; we will give you one minor but essential insider tip. So stay with us.

Palazzo maezzacapo

Maiori - The Mezzacapo Castle


What to do and what to see in Maiori

Palazzo maezzacapo and Saracen Towers

One of the first things one notices are the Saracen Towers and the 19th-century Palazzo Mezzacapo, with its gardens and fountains.

Collegiate Church of Santa Maria a Mare in Maiori



Maiori is also known for its churches. Don’t miss the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria a Mare (the best known), the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, and the picturesque Abbey of Santa Maria dell’Olearia, close to a rock face.

Sentiero dei Limoni

Sentiero dei Limoni between Maiori and Minori


Sentiero dei Limoni

To trekking lovers, we recommend Sentiero dei Limoni or the Trail of the Lemons: an easy hiking walk from Maiori to Minori that winds through ancient roads and stairways from which you can enjoy a spectacular panorama.

Erchie Beach

Erchie beach

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Visit its beaches

Take advantage of visiting Capo d’Orso, the caves, and the beaches. Among the most beautiful beaches are Cala Bellavaia, Salicerchie Beach, and Cave of Sulphur. However, Erchie Beach and Maiori Beach (the main beach) is also OK.

Castle of San Nicola de Thoro


Castle San Nicola de Thoro

Look up to the mountains when strolling through the center of Maiori. You’ll spot Castello di San Nicola de Thoro Plano (Castle of San Nicola de Thoro), an imposing fortification that dates back to when Amalfi was a Maritime Republic. It served as a sanctuary for locals during the Longobards and Saracens raids.

Final words

We have highlighted only a few of Maiori’s attractions, which clearly show why it is usually listed as one of The most popular villages on the Amalfi coast. But now comes even more. We have a little insider tip for you. Maiori and neighboring Minori are more affordable than other villages like Positano, Ravello, or Amalfi. So if you are already considering going there, you should stay here.




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