charming Spanish proverbs

charming Spanish proverbs

Are you looking for intelligent or charming Spanish proverbs to motivate you in your life?
You’ve come to the right place!

Whether they are quotes by famous Hispanic personalities or traditional proverbs, Spanish sayings cover all areas of life.
If you’re learning Spanish and looking for a new motto, choose it from this post. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the best Spanish sayings to help you out.

You’ll get to choose from:

Universal Spanish proverbs and sayings for every occasion

  • Charming Spanish proverbs about and for life
  • Motivational sayings in Spanish
  • Spanish love sayings and quotes

Universal Spanish proverbs and sayings for every occasion

Like their English counterparts, Spanish proverbs often capture the wisdom of the ages with timeless advice about life.

Here are some universal Spanish proverbs. But be careful; there isn’t always a direct English counterpart. In addition, to test your vocabulary or stretch your interpretation skills, try translating them and coming up with an English equivalent.

No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy.– Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

charming Spanish proverbs


No hay dos sin tres.

Literal: There is no two without three.

Similar Saying: Everything happens in threes.

Meaning: If something happens once, it could be a one-time thing. If it happens twice, it will most likely happen again.

Más vale maña que fuerza.

Literal: Better skill than strength.

Similar Saying: Brains over brawn.

Meaning: Intelligence is better than physical strength.

En boca cerrada no entran moscas.-  Flies don’t enter a closed mouth.

Meaning: You won’t make a mistake if you don’t talk.

El hábito no hace al monje. -The habit doesn’t make the monk.

Meaning: Clothes do not make the man.

Charming Spanish proverbs about and for life

La vida es corta. Vive apasionadamente y siente la felicidad.

Some Spanish phrases about life try to emphasize the importance of making the most of it. Precisely, this is the aim of La vida es corta. Vive apasionadamente y siente la felicidad; which is to say that ‘Life is short. Live passionately and feel happiness’.

It is a good way to remind the importance of putting sadness aside and seize the moment.

charming Spanish proverbs

Uno siempre vuelve a los lugares donde amó a la vida.

One of the most famous Spanish sayings about life is uno siempre vuelve a los lugares donde amó a la vida. The literal meaning of this quote is ‘Everybody comes back to the places where he or she loved life.’

It is helpful to talk about places that made you happy or justify traveling to a place you have been before.

Al mejor escribano se le va un borrón. – “To the best scribe comes a smudge.”

Even the best of us make mistakes.

Nobody’s perfect.

La libertad está en ser dueños de nuestra vida.

It is a philosophical quote ascribed to Plato, and it may inspire you to live your life genuinely. The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘Freedom consists of owning your own life.’

It can be used when a friend feels a little bit down because they are going through a difficult moment. Indeed, it is the perfect quote to cheer them up!

Sonríe a la vida y la vida te devolverá esa sonrisa.

‘Smile at life, and it will give you back that smile’ can be appropriate if someone shows a negative attitude towards life.

This phrase may make your friends aware that being joyful in adverse circumstances can be the key to reversing the situation.

En esta vida no hay nada como un buen amigo. – In this life, there’s nothing like a good friend. 

Some of the most beautiful Spanish quotes about life highlight the importance of having good friends to have a happy one. And we couldn’t have agreed more!

De músico, poeta y loco, todos tenemos un poco. – We all have a little bit of musician, poet, and crazy person in ourselves.

meaning: We’re all a little bit crazy.


Motivational sayings in Spanish

El Que No Arriesga, No Gana. – He Who Doesn’t Risk Doesn’t Gain Anything.

It is a great saying to remember when facing fear.

Are you too frightened to do it? But you won’t get any result if you hold back.

Just go and get it!

Motivational Spanish proverbs

Haciendo y Deshaciendo Se Va Aprendiendo. – It’s By Doing and Undoing That We Learn.

This Spanish saying is about trial and error as a way to learn and that it’s helpful to make mistakes and try again. I agree.

I learned more from the questions I got wrong in exams than those I got right in my school days.

It may have stung to get them wrong, but I wanted to make sure it’d never happen again.

“Enamórate de ti, de la vida y luego de quien tú quieras.” —Frida Kahlo

Translation: “Fall in love with yourself, of life, and then of whoever you want.”

No tengas miedo a perder en la vida, porque así es como se aprende a ganar. – Do not be afraid to lose in life, because that’s how you learn to win

As you may notice, this phrase is ideal for encouraging your friends to act to get what they want.

La suerte para triunfar en la vida se llama: creer en ti. – The luck to succeed in life is called: believe in you.

Spaniards are pretty optimistic. That’s why when searching for positive quotes in Spanish on the Internet, you will probably find a lot of them.


Spanish love proverbs and quotes

Let us put you on to something: Try sending love words in the language of love. We promise, this flex fully hits differently and will impress the hell out of them. Isn’t that romantic?

“No llores porque ya se terminó, sonríe porque sucedió.” —Gabriel García Márquez

Translation: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

charming Spanish proverbs 1

El amor verdadero hace milagros, porque él mismo es ya el mayor milagro. —Amado Nervo

Translation: “True love works miracles because it is already the greatest miracle.”

“Ama como puedas, ama a quien puedas, ama todo lo que puedas. No te preocupes de la finalidad de tu amor.” —Amado Nervo

Translation: “Love as you can, love who you can, love as much as you can. Don’t worry about the purpose of your love.”

No importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una.

Translation: It doesn’t matter that we’re separated by distance, there will always be the same sky to unite us.

Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro la propia felicidad.

Translation: Loving is finding in someone else’s happiness our own.

El amor todo lo puede.
– “Love can do it all.”  or “Love will find a way.”

Y es que el amor no necesita ser entendido, simplemente necesita ser demostrado. —Paulo Coelho

Translation: “And it is that love does not need to be understood; it simply needs to be demonstrated.”

“Ven a dormir conmigo: no haremos el amor, él nos lo hará.” —Julio Cortázar

Translation: “Come sleep with me: we won’t make love, it will make love to us.”

“En un beso, sabrás todo lo que he callado.” —Pablo Neruda

Translation: “In a kiss, you’ll know everything I’ve kept silent.”

El amor es como el agua que no se seca.  – Love is like water that never evaporates.

Explanation: True love lasts forever.

The conclusion of the charming Spanish proverbs

We came to the end of our article, and we hope you liked it. But what we’d like to know now is what fascinates you about the Spanish language and why you came to visit us? Was it the newest Mexican telenovela, some romantic Latino song, or  …?

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